Realised recently that I have had bought way too many insurance related products. Not sure if its healthy to do so or not. Have always acted on impulse whenever my agent/friend asked me to buy their products without thinking twice !.
The problem is I am 'getting on in age' and is quite stressful to have to keep maintaining and paying the premiums till the day I retire. Sigh...........Sigh..............Sigh.
I have known some of my friends who did not even bought a single insurance at all and they are living happily - no stress you know. For most people out there, they would want some kind of security and I have way bought too many 'securities'.
One of my close friends have advised me a year or two ago not to buy any more insurance but I somehow 'forgotten' and bought 2 new ones after her advice. forgetfulness...or rather I am an easy 'prey' always falling to people's 'traps'.
I think the problem here is that I don't know how to say NO even when I am not so rich.
So in the end, I am the one who suffers...not anybody else.