Saturday, 23 March 2013

Some thoughts...

I am not sure if the OL is really old or that's her character.

I just found out something this morning - to be honest its not only this morning that I realised this 'something' but I just 'de guo chei guo'. This morning she went to buy breakfast for her fave son and when she's back, I was walking towards the living hall and she immediately said she forgot to buy breakfast for me.  What a joke - its so ironical ! She knew I am at home this morning !
Anyway, I would not say anything if she just buys for him alone when I am only 'transparent' in her eyes.

Come on, this is not the first time she has treated me this way.

She is always like that - full of excuses (very 'lung' excuses) when she thought I would say something upon seeing her doing such things or when certain things happened.

Its okay lah.  NO big deal.  I am 'old' enough to take care of myself.  I have to take care of my own self.

Come to think of it, I have done so much for this family and this is the 'treatment' I received esp. from the OL.

I think I am not angry but just felt that I have been treating her too good all this while or rather all these years.  I cared for her, give her money, give her a 'roof over her head' and this is how she has treated me. She took it for granted and I took it as 'a must'.

To think that I am always the last in queue amongst her children.

From now on, I will take good care of myself - I must be firm, be steady, be brave, be healthy, be happy, and be what I should be.