Sunday, 6 May 2012

Admiring - false hope

Have not been writing on the blog for a few months.

Recently I have been admiring a 'young person' whom I wish that we could be friends.  I have been watching this person from a distance; can't help myself  to take a few good looks at and wished for the 'impossible' to happen.

I am thinking too full of myself that this person would be interested in me where there is at least more than a decade of age gap between us.  If this happened 10-20 years ago, I might have pluck up my courage to make the first move but not now....

Well I am day-dreaming; there are lots of younger and better looking people around and why would this person have chosen me (an older person).  I think my attraction for love have come a bit too late.  Well since I have chosen not to marry/be single decades ago; why I still hang on to some hope that maybe I would find my the other half somewhere  'magically'.

You know something ?  I regretted for not settling down when I was much younger and have had many choices then. (I have not tell anyone about it yet and do not think I will do it). Now whenever I see couples walking hand in hand; talking and looking at each other sweetly, I wish I am one of them.  Sigh...........isn't it too late to talk about this topic now.

PS: I have been thinking of the 'Sweet Angel' again lately (imagining her sweet and warm voice as I just couldn't remember her looks though I know she is pretty - at least in my heart) whenever I couldn't get to sleep and feeling lonely. Wondering how she is getting on...the last time I met her - she looked different from the first time we met.  The 'Sweet Angel' is also one of my disappointed admiration. I'd better stop thinking of her lest she found out; but it wouldn't happen as I will not be telling her of my 'feelings' and she would never know.