Friday, 25 December 2015

Feeling of misgivings

I felt disappointed with my so called 'friend'.

She passed a 'special gift' to her so-called 'enemy' in the office with me around first thing in the morning yesterday.

I was caught by 'surprise'.  I felt like saying something to her "how come I don't have" but I  'swallowed' the words down my throat and kept quiet.

Lately this 'friend' has been treating this colleague nicely such that I am beginning to feel jealous of her or rather unhappy with this 'f'.

Well people in the office have been thinking we are close friends but she is treating others more nicely than me.

Yeah, she treated me nicely too but its not as nice as to the way she is treating 'e'.

What I hate (may the word 'hate' is too strong - I don't like to say it too) is that this 'f' told me previously that 'e' is so full of herself and she does not like her and now she is treating 'e' so nice.

This action of hers made me very pissed off.  Why she said one thing and then did another thing ?

This is the part that I don't like about her ('f'). I felt that she 出尔反尔!

I have been upset about this happening. Why I feel this way - am I really jealous of 'e' or angry with 'f' ?

For some moments, I felt like 'f' has cheated me.  All her negative opinions of 'e' which she told me was just a 'say say' only and I have taken it so 'seriously'.

I was upset over this incidence.  When I recalled about this incident today - I cried.  Why?

This is not the first time she is treating 'e' so nicely.

I think I am treating 'f' as a friend but how about her ???

Maybe I am expecting 'f' would treat me better since I am her 'friend' but who knows what she is thinking!

Now I am beginning to question myself : right in the beginning is she treating me as a friend or just a colleague though people thought we are 'good friends' ?


Before she came, I was living 'peacefully'.  Now somehow she has 'disrupted' my quiet life.

Well... come on please 不要想太多 ok ?

Life still has to go on...